Music in the Soul Can Be Heard by the Universe
Music of Our Souls as Unnamed Desires
The rather poetic “Music of the Soul” this quote refers to kind of speaks to me. It reminds me of the Ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras and his theory of the “Music of the Spheres”, his belief that as the planets (spheres) revolve in the cosmos, they rub against each other and produce a beautiful celestial music.
Bringing this back to the Dao, the way, chapter one of the Daodejing introduces the nameless Dao as the source of the universe, everything derives from the Dao through natural processes; it is the mother of all things. The Dao is nameless and cannot be defined with words as names did not exist prior to Creation.
Music, we can argue, also goes beyond words, and is in its own way nameless. As such we might define the music of our souls as our unnamed desires.
If we approach the Dao with selfless desires, we can readily observe its inner wonders and marvels. We establish a direct connection with the vast intelligence of universal consciousness; in other words, the Universe will be listening to us. The Dao and our souls are recreating Pythagoras’ music of the spheres, giving us flashes of powerful, intuitive insights and free-flowing creativity.
However, if we approach the Dao with selfish desires, we can only observe its external physical manifestations, not its inner essence. The Universe won’t be listening as our desires now block the connection and interfere with the Dao process. We often do this to ourselves.
To sum it up, if we manage to make our inner desires selfless, we will transmit these desires as music to the Universe, and the Universe will listen to our request.
[T]here you are.