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Bitesize Snapshot Marko van Gaans

Book Marko van Gaans for a workshop or keynote speech
| Upcoming workshop/event: 2-Day Business Toolkit Workshop, 21-22 July 2023 in Vientiane, Laos | ⤿ Learn more ⤾ |

The Do-It-Yourself “MBA” Launching Soon

Online Self-Study Course

Original price was: USD 376.00.Current price is: USD 297.00.

An  MBA alternative (but  not the equivalent of an actual degree) for restless professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs which will give you a 360° vision of the tools and concepts required to successfully launch your business.

(For full details, scroll down.)

Wondering Emoji

"All your dreams can come true,

If you have the courage to pursue them."

~ Walt Disney

Who:  Anyone dreaming to start (or already managing) a business.

As the COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc around the globe for more than two years now, most people will feel that this isn’t the right time to start or revamp a business. However, as the Chinese sage Sūnzǐ wrote more than 2½ thousand years ago, “In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” This five-module course is ideal for those individuals who wish to learn to identify and grab hold of the business opportunities that will emerge as the current crisis subsides. The skills you’ll learn can be applied to both start-up businesses or those looking to revamp themselves in the post-pandemic world.

Take Note: The medium of instruction for this course  will be English. You don’t need to be fluent but you definitely need to have proficient basic English communication skills to take part.

What:  The Do-It-Yourself  “MBA”

This 5-module course  covers the basics of entrepreneurship and business management. Throughout 25 interactive and experiential lessons, you’ll learn:

    How to recognize, understand and deal with chaos/complexity.

    How to become a better critical and creative thinker.

    How to create your own, uniquePurple Cow.

    How to develop and visualize this idea through a Business Model Canvas.

    How to build and train your first team for business growth.

    How to keep that team motivated and delegate work responsibly.

Skillswise this course will have a lot to offer you. Throughout the five modules, you’ll learn about and experiment with theories, ‘games’ and tools taken from internationally acclaimed curricula. Each module also contains a challenging assignment  so you’ll be able to put into practice what you have learnt.

Module-by-Module Overview


1.00Introduction to the course and module

1.01The Saeculum of Chaos (what it is and why it matters)

1.02Introducing the 3-Cs of Thinking (plus some Mad Hatter stuff)

1.03Complexity Thinking (what it means and how to deal with it)

1.04Critical Thinking (what it means and how to do it)

1.05Creative Thinking (what it means and how to do it)

2.00 – Introduction to the module

2.01 – How to start from scratch

2.02 – How to hunt for opportunities in the midst of chaos

2.03 – How to create your own Purple Cow

2.04 – How to bring your “Cow” to the market

2.05 – A case study of the reinvention of Domino’s Pizza

3.00 – Introduction to the module

3.01 – Overview and an example of the Business Model Canvas

3.02 – Customer Segments, Value Propositions and Channels 

3.03 – Customer Relationships, Revenue Streams and  Key Resources 

3.04 – Filling in the Key Activities, Key Partners and Cost Structure 

3.05 – Some Case Studies

4.00 – Introduction to the Module

4.01 – Creating the optimal environment for your team to thrive in

4.02 – Team structure and the Team Competence Matrix

4.03 – Team communications

4.04 – Creative tension (roles in a diverse team)

4.05 – Letting your team play (without causing you a panic attack)

5.00 – Introduction to the Module

5.01 – Extrinsic motivation (salaries & bonusses)

5.02 – Intrinsic motivation (CHAMPFROGS moving motivators)

5.03 – Empowering your team (delegation poker)

5.04 – Aligning constraints

5.05 – Keeping track of financial essentials

B.01 How to keep moving forward

Each of the five modules in this course is accompanied by an end-of-module progress quiz and an assignment to put learnt theories into practice.

To be eligible for a Certificate of Achievement upon completing this course, you’ll need to earn a passing grade (70% or higher) for each of the assignments and quizzes.

Bitesize Summery

This is a comprehensive, MBA-inspired, self-study course which will give you a 360° vision of the tools and concepts required to successfully launch or revamp your business.

Other than the unique opportunity to pursue your dreams, enrolling in this course will give you access to five modules, containing the following:

   25 video lessons

✓   Annotated PDF slidedecks

   Audio (mp3) files of the lessons

   Tapescripts of the lessons

   Additional PDF reading materials

   End-of-Module Progress quizzes

   Assessment of your assignments

   Weekly video call Q&A sessions

✓   A Certificate of Achievement 

Your Return On Investment is really quite straightforward, 83% of start-ups fail within the couple of years and of the ones that make it past that point, less than 50% will still be in business five years later.

In other words, being a business owner isn’t for the fainthearted. It’s hard work and requires long hours, so you’d better get started the right way. And that is why you owe it to yourself to invest in this course!

Throughout the five modules of this course, you will learn about, and experiment with, the following tried-and-tested theories and business tools:

   The Saeculum of Chaos

   3-Cs of Thinking

   Culture of Innovation Framework

   Creating a Purple Cow

   Business Model Canvas

✓   Moving Motivators

   Team Competence Grids

   Delegation Boards / Poker

✓   Feedback Wraps

Like with any perfect meal, the elements of this course are carefully balanced. It’s all about the right amount of theory versus practice, general experience versus your personal experience and one-way teaching versus two-way sharing/feedback.

To put learnt theories into practice, each of the five modules in this course is accompanied by an end-of-module progress quiz and an assignment to challenge your critical and creative thinking skills.

You will also be given the opportunity to ask any question you might have during online video call Q&A sessions which will be scheduled twice a week.

Change display currency


Any further questions?

    Why:  Because the dream and reality don’t actually match.porsche taycan

    Just imagine this – After a long day of work, you park your shiny new hybrid Porsche Taycan (because it’s a cool car yet environmentally friendly) on the driveway of your suburban home. It’s late — but not that late — so you decide to take a plunge in your private pool. When you come out of the pool, you see that your partner is waiting for you on the terrace with your favourite cocktail. You clink glasses and, as you look at the night sky, you think to yourself: This is the life, FREEDOM!

    But then also imagine this – You work long hours, but rather than enjoying your sparse free time, you find yourself stuck at your desk, feverishly trying to balance the numbers. At night you often wake up bathing in sweat, anxiously awaiting the days to come. People just aren’t buying your product or service, there’s no money coming in but so much flying out … WHY?

    83% of businesses FAIL! And less than 50% of those who do succeed will last for more than 5 years.

    The statistics are mind-boggling – 83% of start-ups fail within the couple of years and of the ones that make it past that point, less than 50% will still be in business five years later. The reasons for these dramatic numbers are mostly lack of market research and planning in the early stages and an unhealthy cash flow as time progresses. So there’s your eye-opening “WHY”.

    Let’s face it – Being a business owner (i.e. being your own boss) isn’t for the fainthearted. It’s hard work and requires long hours, especially in the early stages of a new-born business. So you’d better get started the right way. And that is why you owe it to yourself to join this course!

    Learn actionable take-aways from entertaining videos, complete challenging assignments and find the inspiration to kickstart your business today!

    How:  Achieving mastery of the topics covered.

    Like with any perfect meal, the elements of this course are carefully balanced. It’s all about the right amount of theory versus practice, general experience versus your personal experience and one-way teaching versus two-way sharing/feedback. All this with the intention to help you achieve mastery of the topics covered.

    To put learnt theories into practice, each of the five modules in this course is accompanied by an end-of-module progress quiz and an assignment to challenge your critical and creative thinking skills. These assignments will be reviewed by your instructor who will give you actionable feedback on your work.

    Moreover, to make sure you’ll get the most out of this course, your instructor will be running online Q&A sessions, open to all kinds of questions, twice a week via Google Meet.


    Still have some questions racking your brain?
    Have a looks at these FAQs …

    It might, but it’s really all on you. You can’t expect to just watch a bunch of videos feeling like you know it all. You have to experiment and implement what you’ve learnt! 

    No, you don’t need to be fluent but you definitely need to have proficient basic English communication skills to take part.

    If you worry that your level of English might not be good enough, keep in mind that you’ll be able to change the playback speed of the videos and you can watch them more than once.

    You’ll also receive annotated PDF copies of the slide decks used in the videos, as well as the tapescripts. These can help you review the content you might not have completely understood.

    This course can be accessed via a variety of devices, including smartphones or tablets, all you’ll really need is an up-to-date browser.

    However, it is strongly encouraged that you use a desktop or laptop computer with a stable, reliable internet connection to get the most out of the course.

    Well, this depends very much upon how you intend to approach this course. If you only  watch the video lessons, you won’t be spending more than ## hours.

    However, if you approach the course more seriously and plan to complete the assignments, take the quizzes and read the provided materials, you can expect to spend anywhere between ## and ## hours on the course.

    Yes, although this is a self-study course, your instructor will provide a good deal of extra support. First of all, you’ll receive personal written feedback on any of the assignments you submit throughout the course. As most of the assignments have been designed to help you launch your own business upon completion of this course, this feedback will turn out to be extremely valuable for you.

    In addition to this, each lesson has its own Q&A tab where you can post any questions which you might have specifically relating to the lesson at hand. These questions will then be answered by your instructor in a timely fashion.

    Moreover, to make sure you’ll get the most out of this course, your instructor will be running online Q&A sessions twice a week via Google Meet. In these open-door sessions you will have the opportunity to ask any question you might have, be it about the course in general or about your own business ideas more specifically.

    Enrolling in this course is quite straight forward. All you need to do is click any of the “Enroll in this course” or “Enroll Now!” buttons on this page and follow the steps.

    First you’ll be taken to a checkout page where you need to fill in your personal and credit/debit card details and create a password so you’ll be able to access your course.

    Once you submit your order, you are automatically registered for the course and will receive an email with your login details and a link to your personal course dashboard.

    It is recommended that you bookmark this page in your browser for easy access later on.


    Currently, the only form of payment available for this course is to book it directly on this website and pay via credit/debit card. By doing so, your payment will be processed securely by the top notch secure payment gateway, Stripe, and you’ll receive confirmation instantly.

    You can cancel your enrollment in this course at any time; however, if you wish to receive a full refund of the fees paid, you must cancel your registration in writing by sending an email to within five business days after you enrolled.

    Should you decide to do this, we’ll refund a 100% of the fees you paid but your access to the course will be terminated.

    Yes, if you signed up for this course on a whim and regret it, you can cancel by sending an email to  within five business days after you enrolled. If you do this, we’ll refund a 100% of the fees you paid. No questions asked.

    Money-Back GuaranteeHowever, if you started the course but find that you are not satisfied with its content after this initial one week grace period, you can still get your money back but it will require a little more effort on your part. In order to receive a full refund of your fees paid, you are expected to have completed the lessons in module one and made at least one attempt to pass the first end-of-module progress quiz. 

    In addition to this, you will also need to complete a short survey to explain your dissatisfaction so that the course can be improved for future participants. If you’ve met these requirements, all the money you invested in this course will be refunded.

    Yes, if you completed all the lessons and received passing grades (70% or higher) for your assignments and quizzes, you’ll receive a

    Certificate of Achievement

    However, keep in mind that a piece of paper isn’t going to manage your business, only you can do that.

    Seen Enough? Enroll Now!

    Don’t hesitate any longer, make the smart choice to invest in yourself.
    And claim the discounted fee before the offer expires in:

    Enroll Now

    Well, I’m  glad you asked…

    My name is Marko van Gaans and, like you, I’ve always been busy with all kinds of ventures. Even as a little kid, back in the Netherlands, I used to run around the neighbourhood with my sisters, offering gardening and car washing services (for a reasonable price, of course). After graduating from high school, I attended a business college, because I wanted to run my own business … but then life got in the way. I was conscripted into the Netherlands Army. This was supposed to be for one year but, to my own surprise, I really liked the army lifestyle and ended up staying for eight years.

    After leaving the army in January 2001, I travelled the world for a bit, then worked as an Operations Officer for a small Spanish airline … but then, after just six months at the office,  I felt my life had become too mundane. So I packed my belongings, boarded a plane and moved to the small Southeast Asian, landlocked nation of Laos.

    One of the first things a friend and I tried to do once I had settled in Laos’ capital, Vientiane, was to start a food delivery service. Alas, this was before Google Maps and smartphones, so our plan didn’t mature. (I’m sure you’ll understand that I’m more annoyed than most by those reckless Food Panda delivery drivers who wreak havoc on the streets of major Asian cities, these days.) But well, I was making a good living as a teacher in Vientiane, so life went on.

    Then in 2013, looking once again to expand my horizons, I tried to start an online school together with another friend of mine who had moved to Hong Kong. To cut a long story short, the market wasn’t ready. It seems the world needed a brutal pandemic to finally embrace online learning; too late for us.

    But one learns from failure and so, in 2018, I started my own training company. The idea now was to run management training workshops all over Asia. And this time I got it right! Throughout 2018 and 2019, I successfully ran workshops in Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan, all with a healthy profit. BUT THEN … COVID-19 stopped it all. My last workshop was in Bangkok in January 2020, and that was it (for now).

    However, I figured can still run courses online!  Whenever I ran one of my management trainings, people would often ask if it also included ‘basic business stuff’. So I thought why not take that path? I’ve got the theoretical knowledge plus both positive and negative real life experiences, why not share this with ambitious wannabe entrepreneurs and like-minded small business owners?

    Just for the sake of full transparency, taking this course does not guarantee that you will succeed in business. You might, of course, but it’s really all on you. You can’t expect to simply watch a bunch of videos and feel like you know it all. YOU have to implement what you’ve learnt. The tools and practices you’ll learn during this course are guaranteed to help you launch or revamp your business; but only if you do it!

    Well, there you are, my name is Marko and it will be my pleasure to share my knowledge and experience with you.


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